The MirrordOm lEgeNDs
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“During a time when unicorns roamed free and dragons cast shadows across the sun, the wise men and women of the land told stories of a troubled future. The legends whispered of a time when every baby born would be blonde, genial and entirely Good. But straight after it would emerge a baby with black hair, dark eyes – and an entirely different nature. They would be called Mirrors and nobody would know from whence they came or what to do with them once they arrived.”
Venom… wants a normal life where no one can tell her what to do. (Especially her father, King Viper.)
Blaze… wants to be free. (After all, he has been imprisoned in a dungeon since he was a baby.)
Thorn… wants to get the girl. (Which is a shame, because the girl has other things on her mind.)
At least one of them is going to be disappointed…
What people are saying
“With vivid prose, a realistic fantasy world, and flawed characters with their own motivations and desires, VENOM AND BLAZE is a triumph of a debut and five stars.”
“I loved everything about this book. The concept of the Mirrors was fantastic. The world-building was simple but well done, so I never once felt bogged down by it. The characters were phenomenal, and the twists! The turns! Every time I thought I knew what was coming, I was wrong. There were so many surprises waiting just over the page that I was almost afraid to turn them!”
“This was fast-paced, engaging, and there were twists I didn’t expect. I love Venom as a character. I enjoyed seeing her growth into a woman who doesn’t allow anyone else to control her. I highly recommend this read.”
“Outstanding! The relatable characters and well-written story kept me hooked. Roz’s original and dark imagination shines through.”