2024 was the year my author dreams came true. My debut novel was traditionally published. I had an author stand at the UK’s biggest YA festival. My book has been read all over the world. I made new author friends. I got more books accepted. As the year draws to a close, I like to reflect on what’s been achieved and where I’d like to go from here.
One book released
16 July 2024 saw the release of my debut novel, Venom and Blaze. I wrote this book in Jersey, CI, one of my favourite places in the world, and it’ll always have a very special place in my heart. Real places, both in Jersey and Scotland, influenced the settings and landscapes in the series. You can read more about that here.
Six novels written
I wrote six novels this year – some of which I suspect will never see the light of day, but everything I write helps me practice and hone my skills. Even in this last year, I can see my writing has matured and tightened up. The twists are more twisty. The action is more engaging. I constantly strive to get better (and this is a double-edged sword) but I owe it to everyone who picks up my book to make sure the words in your hand are the best that I could make them.
Three upcoming book releases
Fable and Legend‘s release is imminent and will be followed in 2025 by City and Shadow, the third in the series. I also have another book accepted by an indie press in Canada and that will be released in 2025 as well.
Eleven positive reviews for Venom and Blaze
While that doesn’t sound like much, it means eleven people enjoyed my book and bothered to let other people know about it. I can’t stress enough the importance of leaving a review on Goodreads and Amazon when you’ve enjoyed an indie author’s book – it really helps! So thank you to everyone who took time out of their day to let me know their thoughts. Rest assured, I read every single one and try to reply when I can.
Unlimited hours of editing and fixing typos
I have a plan for one of my books, if it ever sees the light of day, to include a section at the back with all the typos I caught and fixed – akin to a bloopers reel, if you will. Honestly, there were some hilarious catches. In fact, as I’m feeling generous, here are a few of them.
The creatures tuned ferocious.
Obviously, this was meant to be ‘turned’ but I love the visual image of a bunch of creatures in an orchestra, ferociously tuning their instruments before the big concert.
“Just how good is a hawk’s earing anyway?”
It’s very subjective. Depends on the hawk’s overall sense of style and what earring they chose to wear. How good a hawk’s ‘hearing’ may be is another question entirely.
2,459 (+ three hours Spotify didn’t know about) listening to Taylor Alison Swift
One of the highlights of 2024 was spending three magical hours at the Eras Tour. I feel so lucky to have got to go – getting a ticket was no mean feat! – and see Taylor perform the songs that defined so many of our formative years. It was an oddly spiritual experience – something I’ve never had at any concert before.
Thirty-eight books read
I’ve been privileged to review some amazing ARCs this year – many of them reviewed on my Instagram. I’m going to do a round-up of books I’ve enjoyed this year so watch out for that if you’re looking for any book recommendations.
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