“Are you sure you don’t want to write more about these characters?” my beta reader asked. “I think they have more stories to tell.”
“No, definitely not. I don’t see what else could possibly be done in this world,” I said, decisively.
Cut to me, less than three months later, starting a prequel. A prequel nobody asked for. A prequel I didn’t think anybody would want to read. But a prequel that simply wouldn’t stop flowing.
A prequel that just got accepted for publication next year!
Which left us all with a conundrum. Because the events in Venom and Blaze definitely take place before City and Shadow and set the stage for a potential third novel too. And, when submitting it to my publisher, I (equally as decisively as when I told my beta teacher I wouldn’t be writing more) declared it definitely wasn’t part of a series and I had no plans for one either. So what should I do? Release City and Shadow as planned and then release the prequel? Being a chronic overthinker, the entanglement I got myself in caused me much consternation. However, my lovely publisher effortlessly solved this conundrum by a simple tweak of the scheduling.
The result? City and Shadow will be coming out in Autumn 2024. Venom and Blaze will be coming out in Summer 2024. And, yes, there will be a third in the trilogy (the clue is kind of in the name, I guess!). Once I get myself in gear and actually write it. Because it turns out I was wrong. There’s an abundance of stories to be told in the world of Good and Mirrors.
So, apologies to everyone (mainly my mother) who was hyped up waiting for City and Shadow but I promise* it’ll be worth the wait.
Venom and Blaze
In a game of power, love is the ultimate weapon.
Venom… wants a normal life where no one can tell her what to do. (Especially her father, King Viper.)
Blaze… wants to be free. (After all, he has been imprisoned in a dungeon since he was a baby.)
Thorn… wants to get the girl. (Which is a shame, because the girl has other things on her mind.)
At least one of them is going to be disappointed.
As soon as I have more details, I’ll let you know. In the meantime, I hope everyone has a wonderful time over the holidays.
Welcome to The Mirrordom Trilogy.
*Disclaimer: I am not to be held responsible if, upon reading City and Shadow, you felt it was not, in fact, worth the wait.
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