The Kindle version of Venom and Blaze is on sale this October for .99p!
What better way to celebrate the upcoming release of Fable and Legend than an autumn sale? So, if you’ve been eyeing up the first in the series, now’s your chance to snag it at a bargain price.
Here’s a reminder of the blurb:
“During a time when unicorns roamed free and dragons cast shadows across the sun, the wise men and women of the land told stories of a troubled future. The legends whispered of a time when every baby born would be blonde, genial and entirely Good. But straight after it would emerge a baby with black hair, dark eyes – and an entirely different nature. They would be called Mirrors, and nobody would know from whence they came or what to do with them once they arrived.”
Venom wants a normal life where no one can tell her what to do, especially her father, King Viper.
Blaze wants to be free, after all, he has been imprisoned in a dungeon since he was a baby.
Thorn wants to get the girl, which is a shame, because the girl has other things on her mind.
At least one of them is going to be disappointed.
In other news…
I finished my WIP sci-fi novel, set on the Isle of Skye, yesterday. Unlike with most novels, I buried myself straight in edits right away. I usually let my books sit, but somehow I didn’t want to break momentum with this one. There’s a host of characters I think you’ll love, along with a couple of villains.
I have no idea if this will ever see the light of day, but the first step towards future publication is getting it into a place where I’m happy with it.
With the days getting darker, it’s the perfect time for writing and reading. And, if you’re looking to add to your TBR list, let me remind you (again) that Venom and Blaze can be yours on Kindle for .99p!
If you do happen to download and read it, it would mean so much if you could pop a review on Amazon. After 50 reviews, Amazon will then promote Venom and Blaze to others and the effect of this for indie authors is not to be underestimated! Thank you for all your support!
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