Fable and Legend, the second book in my YA fantasy series, The Mirrordom Legends, is out soon – so it seemed like an appropriate time to introduce you to some of the characters you’ll be meeting (some of whom you already know from Venom and Blaze!)
All the books in my series are set in a world where humanity is divided into Good and Mirrors. As their name suggests, the Good are unable to lie, steal or kill – but their Mirror twin can do all those things and more. To protect the world, the Mirrors are taken from their mothers at birth and kept on Mirror Island, where they can’t hurt anyone. The souls of the twins are so bound up in each other that to kill a Mirror would kill their Good twin – so it would be impossible to simply eliminate the Mirrors without eliminating all the Good too.
I know a lot of you are waiting to hear what happens to Venom and Blaze after the events of the first book. However, you’ll have to wait until the third book (City and Shadow) to see what happens to Venom and Blaze.
The setting
Fable and Legend is set directly after the events of the first book and follows Fable, one of The Five Mirrors who were imprisoned in the dungeons of King Viper’s castle. Now, all of The Five have escaped and are navigating an unfamiliar world they’re entirely unprepared for.
Most of the action in this book takes place either in taverns, in a farmhouse or in the infamous Glittering City, renowned for its decadence and wealth.
The characters
Fable, who occasionally goes by Elegance when she wants to be incognito, is trying her best to blend in and pretend to be Good. She’s making it her mission in life to track down her Good twin, Legend. Fable is clever and resourceful, but also innocent and naïve. She struggles to make sense of the world around her, having been imprisoned in a dungeon since she was a baby. Can she trust the people around her? Will finding her family help her find herself?
The boy who can read minds. Cobalt doesn’t believe in prophecies (even though there’s one about him) and all he wants to do is make money, live richly and capitalise on his abilities. Shortly after crossing paths with Fable, he realises he can use her in his nightly cons. However, after an enemy from the past shows up and someone tries to kill him, Cobalt realises he needs Fable to protect him while he figures out who wants him dead and why.
Legend is Fable’s twin – and she’s nothing like Fable imagined. The happy-ever-after, fall-into-each-other’s-arms meeting never happened. In fact, if anything, Legend seems unnaturally hostile towards Fable. Just what secrets is Legend hiding? And can Fable ever bridge the chasm that lies between them and truly connect with her twin?
Ballad is an old friend from Cobalt’s past – who isn’t acting like a friend at all. She wants revenge for something that happened when they were both fifteen – and she’ll stop at nothing to get it.
There’s also going to be a surprise appearance from another of The Five, who shows up in a most unexpected manner – but I can’t say any more than that!
Which character do you think you’ll relate to most? Driven, confident Cobalt? Determined, stubborn Fable? Or someone else entirely? Let me know in the comments which character you’re most intrigued to meet.
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