If you haven’t heard of Myers-Briggs, it’s a very insightful personality test. I’m an INFJ-T (otherwise known as a Turbulent Advocate), though I have been known to masquerade is an INTJ. If you don’t know what you are, you can find out here.
One night when I couldn’t sleep, I started wondering what some of the main characters in Venom and Blaze might be categorised at. Would we get on in real life? So I decided to take the test, answering on behalf of my characters. Here are their results:

Venom came out as ISTP-A, or Virtuoso. Known for making bold choices, they are inquisitive people who like to do things on their own terms, in their own way. I felt this was a perfect fit for Venom’s determined mindset and the way she chooses to overcome her problems.
Venom’s determination allows her to make the best of her situation. Her childhood is achingly lonely and unhappy, but she’s far too stubborn to let that break her.

Blaze is an ISTJ-A, or Logistician. A practical problem-solver who find stability through his routine, I feel this is very accurate for Blaze. This personality type is described as reserved, yet wilful, composed, rational and purposeful – all traits Blaze has in the extreme. It’s these traits that enable him not to be broken by his extremely traumatic upbringing.

Venom’s father, King Viper, came out as ENTJ-A, or a Commander. Described as natural leaders, oozing charisma and confidence, Commanders can also be ruthlessly rational, driven and determined. Viper takes these traits to extreme. His single-minded focus on doing what’s best for his kingdom means he behaves cruelly towards his only daughter. Perhaps in some misguided way believing he really is doing his best. Or perhaps he’s just evil.
Keen to see how these characters react when they’re all mixed together? The Kindle version of Venom and Blaze is on sale at 99p.
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