Fancy some dark and twisted holiday reading this season? The Kindle version of Venom and Blaze (and loads of other indie books) is currently free.
The Indie Author Winter Wonderland event runs from 6th December to 9th December, so don’t miss your chance to download Venom and Blaze for free!
The event showcases various indie books, either free or reduced, so it’s a fantastic chance to stuff your Kindle full of goodies.
Venom and Blaze is the first in my series, The Mirrordom Legends. Now is the perfect time to check it out as the second in the series, Fable and Legend, is due out very soon. Here’s the blurb for Venom and Blaze. (Be sure to check out the trigger warnings before you dive in – it’s not suitable for arachnophobes and it does contain violence and lots of childhood trauma.)
“During a time when unicorns roamed free and dragons cast shadows across the sun, the wise men and women of the land told stories of a troubled future. The legends whispered of a time when every baby born would be blonde, genial and entirely Good. But straight after it would emerge a baby with black hair, dark eyes – and an entirely different nature. They would be called Mirrors, and nobody would know from whence they came or what to do with them once they arrived.”
Venom wants a normal life where no one can tell her what to do, especially her father, King Viper.
Blaze wants to be free, after all, he has been imprisoned in a dungeon since he was a baby.
Thorn wants to get the girl, which is a shame, because the girl has other things on her mind.
At least one of them is going to be disappointed.

Venom and Blaze is also FREE on Smashwords, where you can download the .epub version. Smashwords are running their 2024 end-of-season sale, where multiple titles are discounted or free altogether.
If you do snag a copy of Venom and Blaze, it would mean a lot if you left a review on Amazon or Goodreads! Even if you hated it, I’d still like to know. Constructive feedback is always welcome.
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