A very exciting email landed in my inbox this week. I opened it with trepidation and trembling fingers.
Because this email was from the very talented lady who is designing the cover for Venom and Blaze. The cover is so important to me – I really wanted it to look dark, engaging and professional.
When Venom and Blaze got accepted by the publisher, I had to fill in a form. This form ultimately went to the designer and the information was used to shape what the final cover would look like. I wrote down how I envisaged the cover, how I pictured the main characters and what the important themes were in the book.
I’ve just had my first look at the cover and I was absolutely blown away. I had high demands – and it far exceeds them. I have a few tiny tweaks to ask for but, in the main, I couldn’t be happier and I can’t wait to show it to you all. I could hardly stop staring at it and grinning like a twit for an entire day.
I am so appreciative of the time and effort that went in to understanding the brief I gave and translating it into stunning imagery and concepts. When I compare this to what I might have tried to come up with if I’d gone down the self-publishing route, it really makes me appreciate talented, skilled designers.
So the big question is: when can I show it off?
Watch this space, but it won’t be long. And it’ll be worth the wait.
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