I finally finished working through the proof copy or galley proof of Venom and Blaze. This is my last opportunity to pick up on any errors, so I made sure to go through it very carefully. As expected, I did spot a few mistakes that needed to be fixed ahead of it taking on its final form.
After this, I’ll be trying to organise ARCs and book tours and promotion ahead of the book’s release date.
Up until the moment I held it in my hands, it didn’t feel quite real. As if my publisher was going to jump out and go “Oh, by the way, it was all a prank. We don’t really want it after all.” (Ridiculous, I know!) But now it’s all starting to sink in that, in a very short time, the book will be out in the world.
I will be doing a few giveaways and organising some ARCs, although that will likely be only available for download at this stage. Would you be interested in an ARC? If so, drop me a line or comment below.
What I’ve learned from the journey so far
I didn’t appreciate just how long the process of creating a book actually is. Of course, I knew writers didn’t just churn out a book in a short time and have it ready for the shelves the next day. But there’s a whole world of activity going on behind the scenes – from the very first moment you finish the first draft to even after the book goes on sale. From editing to promotion, there’s always something to do – particularly if the hope is to become a full-time author.
What else has been happening?
I also took the plunge and sent my un-related stand-alone novel off to a publisher. It will likely be around 12 weeks (minimum) until I hear back, but I’ll keep you posted.
The Mirrordom Legends continue, as I’m currently writing the fourth book in the series. It has a working title of Flame and Phoenix and much of the action is set on the infamous Mirror Island. I wanted to explore the culture a bit more and answer some questions I myself had about how the Mirrors regulate themselves, control the population and establish some degree of control over their own destinies.
Venom and Blaze will be available this summer, with Fable and Legend following in the autumn. City and Shadow will be out in 2025 (and you’ll get to see how Venom and Blaze turned out as adults!)
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