As the months race by, I thought it would be a good time to share what was happening – in the world of Mirrordom and beyond.
Fable and Legend
The proof .pdf came back from my publishers today. This is essentially my first look at the book professionally formatted ready for print – and is another chance for me to catch any errors that may have slipped through the net the first hundred or so times I read the book.
I am currently working on another new novel, this time a fantasy set on the Isle of Skye in Scotland. The island has often been the focal point of numerous books, shows, songs and films – but this is Skye like you’ve never seen it before. Let’s just say a few… things have happened to the island (and its people). I’m currently 20,000 words in and have an overall target of 70,000. It has lots of knives, plenty of sarcastic characters and an incredible setting – my favourite ingredients for a novel.
Submission updates
I’m still waiting to hear back from a couple of publishers on two separate projects. One was a query for TBWWFH, an acronym for a sci-fi novel set in London. The other is a full manuscript submission for FFAR, a different sci-fi novel also set in London.
Everything moves very slowly in the publishing world – so waiting to hear back from people can take some time. I tend to fill this time by working on another book! I have written about five or six books this year and I feel my writing is getting much more mature and polished. I’ve learned so much just from my own experiences so far and I love the idea of constantly improving and honing the craft.
City and Shadow
I got my first look at the cover for City and Shadow and it is utterly gorgeous. Ashley of Redbird Designs is truly gifted at bringing my thoughts to life. I can’t wait to share it with you soon. Because City and Shadow has the same characters as Venom and Blaze, the cover has some of the same elements – and Ashley has done a wonderful job at paying homage to Venom’s snakes and spiders, while making something totally unique.
How is your autumn going so far? Tell me all about it in the comments.