The logical thing to do when writing a trilogy is start at the beginning, right?
And yet I started the Mirrorworld stories by writing slap, bang in the middle of the planned trilogy (the planned trilogy that my publisher knows nothing about yet. Unless they read this blog. Which is unlikely because I get less than two hits per day.)
You see the characters in City and Shadow, my upcoming debut novel, decided their story didn’t want to end there. And two characters in particularly wouldn’t let me rest until I’d put their stories down on paper. And, unfortunately, those stories took place several years before the events of City and Shadow. Leaving me with the problem: do I call it a sequel? Do I turn it all into a trilogy and pretend that was my plan all along (full disclosure: it wasn’t. In fact, I do recall telling a beta reader with unwavering conviction that I definitely wasn’t writing any more Mirrorworld stories any time soon as, and I quote, “I don’t see what else can be done there.”)?
Fast forward to today… and I’ve just finished the (very rough) first draft of Venom and Blaze. (It’s a working title. But I’m so in love with it. And in love with the story. It’s very dark. I think you’ll like it.)
Venom and Blaze is one of those stories that just wouldn’t let me drop it until I’d finished. I wrote it on holiday with my mother. I wrote it on my lunch break at my day job. I wrote it whenever I could and, whenever I couldn’t, I was thinking about writing it. And now it’s written. And, once I’ve let it sit for a while, I’ll edit it. Then casually tell my publisher about it and see where it goes.
“That’s all very well,” I can hear you thinking. “But you said a sequel. So where does the third one come in?”
Well, turns out I was wrong. There definitely is more to be done in Mirrorworld. I still have no idea if I’m writing a trilogy, or a standalone story that just happens to have sequel and a prequel. But something is happening at Roz MacLaren HQ. And, while I absolutely can’t share any details yet, I can promise you it’s going to be a wild ride. Are you ready for it?