UPDATE: As of 28 December, City and Shadow‘s release date has been changed. It was originally due out in Summer 2024. I have not edited the blog to reflect the change.
My debut novel, City and Shadow, is due out in Summer 2024. Here’s everything you need to know ahead of the release date:
What’s the book about?
“At first, they tried to co-exist. The Good and their Mirror. The firstborn and the twin that emerged immediately after…”
In a world where every person has a Mirror twin capable of doing only bad things, Quiver is the only one born Mirrorless. Along with his best friend, City, the two must navigate a society ruled by a tyrannical queen and threatened by a dangerous rebel. And, when City’s Mirror escapes from her island prison, a chain of events is set in motion that thrusts Quiver, City and her Mirror into a dangerous struggle for power and survival.
Who are the main characters and what are they like?
My book ended up having three main characters, all of equal importance. It centres around the story of three very different teenagers, who each have their own complexities and problems.
Quiver is a revolutionary. He’s never fitted in and he channels that to create a world of chance. He’s not afraid to make the tough choices, even if that means sacrificing something he cares about.
The story is told through the eyes and from the perspective of his best friend, City. City is a quiet girl who just wants to maintain the status quo. Unfortunately, for her, life has other plans…
Shadow is City’s Mirror – and my favourite character, if I’m allowed to have favourites. Funny, sarcastic, slightly aggressive and never taking no for an answer, Shadow has personality in bucketloads and she’s not afraid to make it known.
What about the villain?
I couldn’t pick one protagonist – so I definitely couldn’t pick one villain either. This book has two.
Queen Venom is a cool, calculating monarch who’s found a way round the fact that she’s Good and unable to kill, lie, steal or do anything particularly bad. At least, not directly. As you’ll find in the book, she can do quite a lot of bad things.
Blaze is the other villain. He pops up later in the book but makes up for it by doing an awful lot of damage in a short space of time.
Villains are my favourite characters to write as you can have such fun describing them, what makes them tick and why they made the choices they did.
Does the book come with a trigger warning?
It’s very dark, so I wouldn’t recommend it for the faint of heart.
What ages should read the book?
Ages 13+ would be able to read my book. There’s one swear word in it (sorry, Mum) but that’s about it, apart from the aforementioned darkness.
What’s with all the spiders?
Early on, I had a vision for a character that wore a dress of live spiders. This morphed into a character that literally just wore spiders. Queen Venom became that character. She’s covered entirely in spiders that reshape themselves, depending on what sort of outfit she needs. I anticipate this will gross a few people out, but I’ve always been very fond of spiders.
Will there be another story in the Mirrordom universe?
I’m already planning a prequel and a sequel. Whether they ever see the light of day or not is another matter. I have working titles and vague plots for both, but the prequel will aim to explore the relationship between Venom and Blaze, while teeing up the City and Shadow sequel. The sequel will explain how Quiver came to be Mirrorless.
Summer 2024 is ages away. What about right now?
Right now, you can take my Which City and Shadow Character Are You? quiz, which will let you know which of my three protagonists you’ll resonate with the most. And I’m planning a blog post on books I’ve loved that you might want to check out.