I’ve just finished the first draft of the fourth book in The Mirrordom Legends. At present, the series is now planned to be five books long. Each book is a standalone story, but the series will make more sense if read in order.
The fourth book
I’m currently letting it marinate for a while (in other words, I do absolutely nothing with it and let my brain reset.) Once the fallow period is up, I’ll take another look as I need to flesh out the storyline a little more. In other words, there’s plenty of editing to be done!
In case you’re wondering what the image above has to do with the fourth book in the series… well, let’s just say one of the characters has a pet panther. Because why not? The beauty about writing fiction is getting to explore the impossible – and if I could tame any animal and keep it as a pet, it would absolutely be a jaguar or a panther. As this is never going to happen, I may as well live vicariously.
Pre-order Venom and Blaze!
Venom and Blaze, the first book in The Mirrordom Legends, is currently available to pre-order. You can read more about it over on the Bookshelf page. I’ll be hosting a giveaway for a signed copy on Instagram, so do make your way over to my page and follow it so you don’t miss an update.
Thank you to everyone who has pre-ordered and who has already reviewed their ARC copy or given it a shoutout on social media – it does make such a huge difference.
ARC reading
Aside from writing, I’m also reading and review a couple of amazing ARCs. One I’m particularly enjoying is In The Days Before by Renée Shantel. I’m about 70% of the way through it and utterly hooked. In The Days Before is out in October so make sure you pre-order it. I’ll be writing a detailed review on it as soon as I’m finished.
Anything else?
There is some exciting news coming soon, so watch this space! In the meantime, I’m working on my standalone book a thousand years in the future. It’s currently with my second beta reader. Both my beta readers are invaluable – it’s extremely helpful to have someone say “Hey Roz, this makes absolutely no sense” or “Hey Roz, you need to fix this glaring plot hole”. All of this helps ensure the finished product is as perfect as I can make it.